What it’s like to be in 6th grade Art Class 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to talk about my best work in art class. Beauty if Hawaii was m best work. I added oil pastels and paint to it. (Picture down below) It is a picture of a mountain in a sunset with a pond in the middle. The sunset colors I added was pink, blue, purple, and orange. for the green mountain, I just mixed in different shaded is green, yellow, and white. For the pond, I just filled it in with blue oil pastel.

This is my artwork.

that’s it for today, bye


Social Studies 6th 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to talk about my best work in social studies. my best work in social studies would be Ancient China slide. We had to talk about a subject and do a slide about it. I talked about Porclein, a type of pottery. the subject had to be related to ancient China.

well, that’s all for today, bye


What it’s like to be in choice elective 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to tell you about my best work in my choice elective. My best work was the chef hats. In the start, I had some trouble but managed to finish it. The chef hats are for the Cinderella play which is coming up. At first, I thought that the hats were going to be too big for people to wear, but it wasn’t. I also made mice hats too, but they were for selling. I also got to make one for myself. Making a chef hat is hard, and really fun.


Well, that’s it for today, bye


Language Arts 6th 2017-2018

Hi its hmsjenny here, today I’m going to talk about my best work in language arts. My best work in language arts would be the “escape from Alcatraz” We had to write an essay about Alcatraz and Morris and the Anglin brothers. It was a competition.

Alcatraz Island Report


There is a place called Alcatraz in the San Francisco bay. There were 3 prisoners named Morris, and the Anglin brothers who tried to escape. They built their own raft to sail across the ocean. They had to go through security as well. Some people think they made it with evidence from the article, but some people like me don’t think they made it. If they were to make it, they probably would’ve still been alive today. The stolen things that the article said could’ve been someone else.


The island Alcatraz is one of the world’s most toughest prison, the island has the world’s most toughest criminals. It use to be a prison, but now you can visit the island. You will have to ride a boat or a raft to get to the island because it is surrounded by water. The water is quite dangerous because of the rough currents.


Why I think they didn’t make it, was because the currents in the water was pretty strong, so the raft would have sank, or could’ve broke. It also could’ve been really stormy the night they escaped, and maybe they couldn’t have found shelter. They also could’ve not have any money to buy food. Since they are criminals, they might have stolen the food, which would have gotten themselves sent back to Alcatraz.

I think the raft that Morris and the Anglin brothers made might have not worked. The raft could have drowned because it might have not been strong enough to hold the three of them. They also might have not have building experience, so the raft could have failed. It also would have taken them days to build. The raft also could have broken because it might not have been made properly.


I don’t think that they made it even with the evidence they had in the article. If they made it, then they might have stolen more things, and gotten all of them sent back to Alcatraz. I think that they are one of the most dangerous and toughest criminals ever. If the article were to say that they didn’t make it, then I would more believe that they didn’t

That’s it for today, bye


My best work in math 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to talk about my best work in math. My best work would be the group project. We are in groups of four and are given a group math magazine. We got an A on the math magazine. We had a quiz on it to see how well we know the magazine, we got an A. There is also logic puzzle each group had to solve. It was about PEMDAS. each group has to race each other to be in first, second, or third place. First place group gets an A and gets a treat. The second place group gets an A-, but also get a treat, but a smaller treat. Third place group gets a B+, but no treat. My group got second place.

Well, that’s all for today, bye


My best work in Science 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to talk about my best work in science. My best work would have to be the marble runs. There are 4 parts in the marble runs. I got three As and one B. You had to build a roller coaster for your marble and make sure that it works and the marble doesn’t fall off. This project took us weeks to finish. We had to do loops and hills and make sure that the marble doesn’t fall off.

well, that’s all for today, bye


My best work in PE 2017-2018

Hi, it’s hmsjenny here, today I’m going to tell you what my best work is in PE. My best work was the physical fitness test. I made it for the run mile run, the girls time was 9:02 minutes and I made it in 8:24 minutes. I also did push-ups, the girl’s number of push-ups is 19. I also made it to the sit and reach, the girl’s length was 34 and I made it to 36. Next was the shuttle run, the girl’s time was 10.5 seconds, I made it in 10.6 seconds, I only needed 0.1 less to make it to presidential, at least I made it to nationals. The same thing with sit-ups, girl’s limit to reach national for sit-ups was 32, and I did. I made some national and some presidential.


wells, that’s all for today, bye
